



  • Babies change SO MUCH in those first days, so I love being able to capture that brand newness for parents and families within the first 48 hours after birth.
  • The best time for Fresh 48 sessions are during daylight hours, starting your session between 10am – 4pm usually gives the best light and happiest baby. I realize sometimes with big siblings/family members/delivery time this Fresh 48 time frame is not always possible, but I will do my best to work with whatever time works for your family and baby.
  • Hospital lights are awful. The lights cause inconsistent coloring and cast weird colors in the photographs. We will be embracing the room’s natural light. We’ll put baby’s bassinet next to the window for those pictures and position you all for any family/group pics where you are getting the best natural light.


  • Try and feed baby shortly before our Fresh 48 time. This ensures baby has a full belly and will hopefully be happy and cooperative for pictures! If you would like any feeding/nursing pictures, I absolutely can do this at the beginning of the session…so hold off feeding babe until I get there and we’ll get some feeding/nursing pictures done first!
  • Turn up that heat! Fresh 48 sessions are usually quick (under an hour typically) and baby is so much happier in a warm environment. This allows for baby to be comfortable for any naked pictures.


  • This is totally up to you! I have some moms would just stay in their hospital gown, while others bring their own robe or outfit! Truly it’s up to you. I do encourage moms to wear something comfortable and flowy so as not constricting on their fresh postpartum body. You can see below that mom chose to wear a floral robe which looked wonderful with her holding babe (in her very warm room so babe was comfortable!).
  • Embrace the atmosphere in the hospital! It’s okay to get some pictures of you/baby in ‘hospital gear’ - hospital gown on mom, hospital blankets and hat on baby, etc… There may be a few pictures showing a mess here or there. This has been your home while adding your newest addition.


  • I absolutely encourage parents to bring their own swaddles, hats, headbands, outfits, etc… for baby as well. Outfit/blanket changes are absolutely okay and I love when we get some hospital-y pictures and then ones with baby’s personal gear.


  • Usually I take a variety of pictures to highlight baby’s newness: close ups on hands, feet, head — all of their little features. I then will take some of baby by themselves in the bassinet and bed, and then some with mom, dad, siblings — whoever is there for the session!


  • Typically between 30-60 minutes. They are one of my quicker sessions, and I know how precious that time is those first few days so I don’t want to overtake that for your family, so I try and be quick. Providing me with a list of some shots you’d like to get definitely helps too!


  • What happens if my baby is in the NICU? We can do one of two things: we can do a NICU Fresh 48 or we can switch to an in-home session newborn session when everyone is at home! NICU Fresh 48s are absolutely an option, as long as your hospital’s NICU allows for a visitor (other than mom/dad) and a photographer!

**When in doubt, ask me! I can absolutely help guide you with any questions you have in regards to what to expect at your Fresh 48 session, what to wear, etc… I am always happy to help!

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