



  • I love in-home newborn sessions because they showcase the brand new addition in the comfort of their own home with their parents, siblings, and pets! Babes change SO MUCH in those first few weeks, so I love being able to capture that brand new goodness for parents in the comfort and familiarity of their own home.
  • The best time for in-home sessions are during daylight hours, usually in the morning (starting your session between 9am – 1pm usually gives the best light and happiest baby!). I realize sometimes with big siblings/family members this time frame is not always possible, but I will do my best to work with whatever time works for your family and babe.
  • I LOVE natural light and I love capturing your new baby and family in the natural light in your house!! We will be embracing your home’s natural light (open up those window blinds!), turning off the overhead lights and taking advantage of the natural brightness as much as possible (another reason why I like doing these sessions during the bright part of the day). Even on the cloudiest (and even rainiest too!) days, you’ll be pleasantly surprised with how much the outside light comes in to give you the best possible pictures! I will bring lights just in case we need that extra bit of light!


  • Try and feed baby shortly before your session time. This ensures baby has a full belly and will hopefully be happy and cooperative for pictures! If you would like any feeding/nursing pictures, we absolutely can do this at the beginning of the session…so hold off feeding baby until I get there and we’ll get some feeding/nursing pictures done first!
  • Turn up the heat! I’ve found that baby is soooooo much happier in a warm environment. This allows for baby to be comfortable for any naked/diaper pictures and isn’t so upset to have their clothes changed if the house is extra warm. My recommendation is 80 degrees.


  • What to wear? This is totally up to you! I tell moms to pick their outift first and build others outfits around that. I do encourage moms to wear something comfortable and flowy so it is not constricting on their fresh postpartum body. Having a light sweater or cardigan to go over your outfit works well too for pictures.


  • I bring some props to every in-home newborn session: basket with fuzzy blanket, swaddle blankets in a few colors, cheesecloth wraps, and newborn girl headbands. We don’t have to use any props at all! But they are available if you’d like.
  • I encourage parents to have their own props (especially those that have meaning) blankets, swaddles, hats, headbands, outfits, etc… for baby. Outfit/blanket changes are absolutely okay and I love when we get some a variety of pictures of babe in different outfits and blankets!


  • I cannot emphasize enough the lifestyle nature of this session: it is super heavy on the candids and truly just capturing your new life at home with your newest family member!
  • Typically during a newborn session I take pictures in the babies bedroom, family room/living room, and parents room (I usually like to take a few pictures on the bed).
  • I may move things out of the way temporarily to make the picture look less cluttered (like cords, alarm clocks, baskets of stuff...etc).


  • I typically advise parents to schedule as soon as they feel comfortable after birth! Truly, the ‘newer’ the baby, the better the session typically goes. The younger baby is typically the sleepier they are = more cooperative for pictures. Sometimes after a few weeks baby acne sets in, scratches appear, etc… so I really try and encourage in-home sessions as close to birth as possible/comfortable for families. Ideally within the first two weeks after birth, but the sooner the better


  • Usually between 60-90 minutes. Often the length of a newborn session is dictated by the newest love of your life. A few breaks may be required to feed, rock or allow for a sleepy pose. You may supply favorite props, but I will also supply some that lend to gender and work well. I know how precious that time is those first few weeks after baby has arrived so I don’t want to overtake that for your family, so I try and be quick and efficient in getting you all of the snaps you want. Providing me with a list of some shots you’d like to get definitely helps too!


**When in doubt, ask me! I can absolutely help guide you with any questions you have in regards to what to expect at your newborn session, what to wear, etc… I am always happy to help!

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