




Senior sessions are all about showcasing your personality. These sessions are designed to reflect you as much as possible, incorporating your interest, hobbies, and passions. This is such an exciting time and I look forward to being a part of celebrating your huge accomplishment of graduating high school or college!

  • Most high schoolers have never experienced a professional portrait session before their senior pictures. So, everybody feels a little nervous and awkward to start. You don’t know where to put your hands. You don’t know know how to stand. That’s normal! Don’t worry – I’ll walk you through it and those jitters won’t last long!
  • My goal is to capture your style and personality, so the most important thing for you to do is just be yourself. Bring a friend that you are really comfortable with. Somebody you trust, who will make you feel at ease, somebody who makes you laugh!
  • Once we’re at our location I’ll look around to find spots with great lighting. I’ll show you where and how to stand, sit, or lean and tell you what to do with your hands. Then I’ll take a few shots, adjusting my composition and angle, and your pose slightly each time. After a minute or two, we’ll find another spot, moving quickly, and changing outfits & poses along the way.





  • Start browsing through the photos to see which location types are your favorite. You can search senior session images HERE or favorite locations HERE on my website, on INSTAGRAM, or even searching on Pinterest.
  • I would love for you to decide on a location! Options to think about:
    • A place that is special to you
    • A location that you love the looks of whether it's a field/park or urban/downtown
    • A spot that only you have access to -- I'll admit this is my favorite because it hasn't usually been photographed before.
  • Once I know the type of location you want, we will go through all of the location choices and choose one that works best for you!


  • You're going to want to have ZERO stress on the day of your session. You don't want to be thinking about where you need to be afterwards, or feeling rushed that day. Be sure to ask for the day off of work, have your mom or dad ask for the day off work if they're planning to come to the session with you, let your coach know you won't be at practice that day, and clear your schedule of any obligations. You never know what can happen on the day of your session and what delays can come up while we are out shooting.


  • Whether you are planning to put together outfits from your closet, head to a friend's house to borrow their clothes, or purchasing new ones - be sure to set aside one day (or a whole weekend!) to get your outfits selected for your session. This will take some time and you want to make sure you try everything on.
  • Use the style guide below to help you. DO NOT wait until the day before your session to start picking outfits. Trust us on this one! Put your shopping day on your calendar NOW and give yourself plenty of time.


  • If you are planning to get your hair colored or trimmed, or get a fresh mani + pedi before your session, make those appointments now. Hair appointments should take place within the 7 days leading up to your shoot. Nail appointments should take place a day or two before.
  • It is HIGHLY recommended to have a natural colored (light pink or nude) manicure. This is so important! Acrylics, bright or very dark nail polish, or chipped polish is not ideal and will stand out in your photos.



Stuck on what to wear? Here are some tips and tricks to help guide your outfit choices. Choosing what you will wear for your photo session is a huge decision that can make or break your senior portrait session! I know that sounds dramatic, but if you wear something that isn’t flattering on camera or something that you don’t feel confident in…it can ruin the experience for you!



  • Nude and appropriate undergarments - if you wear a strapless top or dress, be sure to bring a strapless bra option!
  • Clean shoes that go with each outfit
  • Complimentary layers
  • Outfits that make sense for the season
  • Functional clothing - if you want to get the most out of your poses, you need to be able to sit, squat, stand, etc.
  • A variety of outfits that show off your true personality - not ALL shorts, or dresses, or pants, etc. Mix it up!
  • Clothing that fits you well and accentuates your best assets - make sure to try every single piece of clothing on before bringing it to your session


  • Wrinkled clothing - make sure to iron or steam everything and bring it all on hangers
  • Undergarments that don't match or bra straps that show
  • Dirty or worn out shoes
  • Dresses, skirts or shorts that reveal too much when moving/posing
  • Crop tops - they look cute in person but are not flattering on most people in photos!
  • Tight or ill-fitted outfits that accentuate problem areas
  • Too many outfits of the same type or color


  • Start with neutrals:
    When planning your outfits, you can never go wrong with neutrals. Start with these neutrals: black, white, grey or denim. When choosing whites - the brighter the white, the more contrast it will give with your skin which will pop. Add color from there!
  • Bold & Warm Colors:
    On camera, colors that are neon or bland can make skin tones look very washed out and unflattering. Try to avoid these colors. Warm and rich tones end up photographing beautifully on camera and will really compliment your hair + skin colors. Think of colors that are BRIGHT, RICH or BOLD.
  • Patterns & Textures:
    When looking for patterns, again - think BOLD. Stripes, gingham, big floral or leaf prints, etc. Adding texture to your outfit makes the biggest difference, and it prevents the images from looking dull. Combining textures that you may not normally use together like sequins + cable knit sweaters or leather + fur make great pairs!
  • Accessorize:
    When planning your outfits, don’t forget to plan accessories. Stacks of bangles, long necklaces, statement pieces, scarves, hats, bright shoes and other add-ons can make an outfit REALLY stand out! These items not only help your outfit look better and more put together, but it helps you with posing as well - it will give your photos more variety and interest.




Props are a great addition to include in your photos!

  • If you are an athlete consider bringing uniforms or some of your sports equipment along.
  • If you are a musician, bring along your instrument.
  • Maybe you are in dance, art, or some other school club or activity. If there is something you can bring to represent your interest, we can include it.
  • Most common pets or animals are always welcome as long as I know what to expect ahead of time.



  • Depends on the Senior Session Package you chose:
    • Silver Package - Up to an hour senior session at 1 location of your choice in Kansas City
    • Gold Package - Up to a 2 hour senior session at 2 locations of your choice in Kansas City
    • Platinum Package - Up to 3 hours senior session at 2 locations of your choice in Kansas City


**When in doubt, ask me! I can absolutely help guide you with any questions you have in regards to what to expect at your Senior session, what to wear, etc… I am always happy to help!

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