Share Six – Urban – May 2018

 This month’s theme at Share Six is urban.  I waited until the very last minute to get these photos.  I wasn’t even sure I’d be able to make it happen but I’m glad I did.  Most of my urban shots are with Seniors or family sin them as we don’t go downtown very often.  So, when my friend had an art opening downtown and my husband and I decided to make it a date night I took my camera and went on a side mission.  It worked out perfectly.  We parked directly across this beautiful Kansas City Jazz mural. I couldn’t have asked for a better spot to capture.
Thank you for joining us for another month at Share Six. I am part of a group of photographers who blog 6 images on the 6th of each month with unique monthly themes. Please continue around the circle by clicking HERE to see how the extremely talented Elizabeth Willson interpreted this month’s theme.

Join us for this month’s theme by posting your Urban images on our Facebook page at Share Six and to our Instagram gallery,  by tagging #sharesix and #sharesix_urban.  A new theme will come out on May 6th.


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  • SharleenKathy these are awesome – I love that you were able to get the Kansas city skyline in behind the jazz image.  I love the night shot as well.  Thank you for being able to get out and take your pics.  Great share this month.  ReplyCancel

  • JanetBeautiful set of images, looks amazing!! ♥ReplyCancel