Tag Archives: #ArtistsInspiredBlogCircle

August – Blue – Artists Inspired – Kansas City Photography

This summer has been filled with lots of firsts. One of those happens to be a trip to the drive-in movie theater with the kids. It was an absolute blast! The kids almost made it through both of the movies. I was pleasantly surprised by the amazing vintage playground.  And it fit perfectly with our Artists Inspired August theme BLUE!
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On our way to get ice cream we found these awesome blue doors!  You can see my son is not very happy about entertaining his picture taking Momma!
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After ice cream on our way to clean up he got his silly on!
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I have joined a group of photographers, Artists Inspired, who are part of a Blog Circle series.   Each month is a different theme.  Please click HERE to see Rachel Haynes of Rachel Cathleen Photography’s interpretation of this month’s theme.
The Artists Inspired Blog Circle is made up of an exceptionally talented group of photographers from all walks of life, from all over the world. They are wives, mothers, friends, daughters and visual storytellers who draw from their own experiences to create art that is inspiring, unique, beautiful and thought-provoking.
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  • Nikki S.Oh my goodness, these are images are just gorgeous!!! That wall near the playground is swoon-worthy!!!ReplyCancel

  • tammyLove every image!!!ReplyCancel

  • DanieLove the textures in your blue backgrounds!ReplyCancel

  • SharleenKathy these are amazing. I love the blue them with the slides. What fun to go to an outdoor drive-in. I remember us going all the time growing ups. What great images of your children.ReplyCancel

  • brandi gyour images are AHMAZING!!!!ReplyCancel

  • ElizabethThis so screams, “SUMMER!” What bright and authentic images captured so creatively!ReplyCancel

  • Nicole Clove all of these pics!! so cute!! and I am loving the looks on their faces in a few of them LOLReplyCancel

  • Carrine PLoved the red slide image!ReplyCancel

  • ToriSuch fun and great images! And boy did you ever hit the jackpot on a setting for the theme! =)ReplyCancel

  • ShelbyUmmmm….HELLO GORGEOUSNESS!!! That blue is AMAZING! And, I giggled at the vintage playgrounds…I feel really old now 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Kristi JamesThese are so fun!!!! What adorable kids!! I love all of the lines!!ReplyCancel

  • ChannonThis is stunning, I love the way the yellow makes the blue pop even more.ReplyCancel

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