Tag Archives: #free52project

December – Free 52 Project

Because this is the last month of a full year (52 weeks) of freelensing I’d like to start with a collage of my favorite 2016 images.  This past year I have been determined to learn, grow, and become better, not only as a photographer but as a freelens artist.  That I have done. I would not have all of these images if not for this project!

I have loved every minute of this journey and am looking forward to another year of growth, freelensing, and blogging with my amazingly talented freelensing friends!

Here is our December!


I have joined a group of some very talented freelensing photographers who will be blogging images each month. Please take look at the next photographer in the blog circle: Please click HERE to see Kristin of Kristin Anderson Photography’s Free 52 post.

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  • KristinOh, my goodness! So many lovies!! I love your month! Thank you so much for being apart of this project & inspiring me! <3ReplyCancel

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