Tag Archives: #free52project

June – The Free 52 Project

Even though this blog post is dedicated to the month of June, I will be adding in some of my images from the end of May.

June has been busy with swim lessons and swimming in the pool nearly everyday.  It has been incredibly hot and haven’t found it appealing to shoot outside most of the time.  I felt like I didn’t shoot that much this month but looking back through images, there are far too many to include.  Sorry for such a long post but if you scroll all the way down, I saved the best for last!

Here is our freelensed June!

At the end of May I was lucky enough to go on a 7 day Caribbean cruise with my Mom. We had an absolute blast and of course I had to freelense some of the beauty!



There was an gigantic lighted chandelier on the cruise ship that constantly changed colors.  I took pictures almost every time I walked by.


My birthday lens (a vintage Helios 44-2) showed up and I had fun freelensing with it for the rest of this month!

We had a little garden visitor.  He was little and the web was gorgeous.



A few of my girl!



And a ton of my boy!  stomp5stomp8stomp96-28-free-14 copy6-28-free-16 copy6-28-free-186-28-free-19

I have joined a group of some very talented freelensing photographers who will be blogging images each month. Please take look at the next photographer in the blog circle: Please click HERE to see Terra Fondriest Photography’s  Free 52 post.

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  • JessieLove how you caught the light in the spider web, and your black and white images are stunning!ReplyCancel

  • Katie WoodardKathy these are beautiful, the landscapes are so great! And I love the depth in you black and whites.ReplyCancel

  • Terra F.Those first couple landscapes are my fav! A cruise sounds just awesome. Great month, Kathy!ReplyCancel

  • ApWow! I love them all! The cruise looked amazing, and I love the kiddo shots as well. I just got a helios 44M and am so excited to freelens with it! Do you love it?ReplyCancel

  • ChristineYour work is stunning! I love the swing with the darling toes!ReplyCancel

  • Nicole CLoving these pics

  • RachelThe swing pics! Be still my heart!ReplyCancel

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