Tag Archives: Freelensing

Free 52 Project – February 2017

I’ve had a crazy busy couple months!  I missed out getting my free 52 blog out last month.  It’s the first time in a year I’ve had to miss.  I did take photos though and I’ve added them to the bottom of this month’s post.  First, here is our freelensed February…

Here are a few I took at a friends new property!  It was like a wonderland and treasure trove for for freelensing.  I can only imagine you will see more of this amazing place throughout the year.  They are planning on restoring and cleaning up and I can’t wait to document their progress!

It has been so warm that this little surprise gigantic flake snow was super exciting!  My son was cold and wanted to get his jacket on so he ran inside.  Unfortunately had stopped snowing by the time he came back outside.  My daughter on the other hand took full advantage to catch some flakes on her tongue with success!

A little face painting for no good reason is always fun!

Here is our January…..

A little adventure at a mall that has a ferris wheel and some other really cool stuff.

Solving the winter blues by creating games.

Snack time.

I have joined a group of some very talented freelensing photographers who will be blogging images each month. Please take look at the next photographer in the blog circle: Please click HERE to see Katie of Katie Woodard Photography’s Free 52 post.

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  • Katie WoodardWhat a cool property, can’t wait to see more of that! I especially love the snow series Kathy <3!ReplyCancel

  • Gwen AthmanWow! I just can’t believe the sets of colors you can find and bring together in all of these!ReplyCancel

  • AprilSo good!  That property looks rad, so much potential. I love the face painting and snowflakes so much <3  Great month! ReplyCancel

  • KristinThe rust shots are just so stunning. Unsuspecting art. Another beautiful month.ReplyCancel

  • Terra FondriestHow cool!  You are right, what a great place to freelens.  That top right image looks like an aerial photo of Mars…I really love it!!  WonderfulReplyCancel

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