Tag Archives: Fresh 48

Hink – Fresh 48 – Margot Ann

I’m extremely excited about offering Fresh 48 sessions to clients! This was my very first Fresh 48 session and I can’t wait to do another. I loved every bit of capturing those little details and the connection within those first few days of baby arriving. Andrea is a close friend and I have been taking her families photos since her and her husband moved into their first house. I have captured their family growing to 3 and now 4 members!  They welcomed baby Margot Ann into the world at 10:15 on Monday July 23rd, 8lbs 9oz and 21 inches long! Good job Mom and Dad, she is perfect! Amelia is already an amazing big sister and wants to be by her sisters side! I got to see an adorable video of her pointing out Margot’s perfect little eyes, nose, and mouth. Margot Ann, you are already so loved by so many! Here are some of my favorites from the session! Hope you enjoy and thank you for your continued support!


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