Tag Archives: holidays

Share Six – Wonderland – December 2018

This month snuck up on me!  I have been swamped with fall photos to edit and not much time to focus on shooting for me. I had all these grand plans that never actualized.  Maybe I can squeeze them into another theme next year.  Can you believe it?  Next year is almost here!!  This year has flown by!

Even though I didn’t carry out my original plan, I did have fun shooting for this month for a couple reasons!  First, I upgraded cameras!  Not only that but I went from a crop sensor to a full frame.  I’ve been wanting/needing an upgrade for a couple years.  I finally bought it!  And it came in just in time to shoot this month’s theme!  After taking 3 hours getting the settings on my camera just right, these were some of the first images taken with it!

Of course I couldn’t stop there.  I have been seeing these pictures with beautiful bokeh up close and in front of the subject.  I absolutely love bokeh and so I had to jump on that bandwagon and try it out myself!  The bokeh is created with little battery powered fairy lights you can dangle in front of your lens while shooting.

My kids were not as excited or entertained as I was about this as I was as you can see in the pictures.  However, towards the end my daughter did enjoy light painting!  I was in a wonderland using my new camera and our family has been enjoying our wonderland of lights Holiday decorations and Holiday spirit. Here are my favorite 6 of this month’s them Wonderland!

I have joined a group of photographers, Share Six, who will be blogging 6 images each month. Each month is a different theme.  Please click HERE to see Kim Sidwell’s interpretation of this months theme.

Join us for this month’s theme by posting your Wonderland images on our Facebook page at Share Six and to our Instagram gallery,  by tagging #sharesix and #sharesix_wonderland.  A new theme will come out on January 6th.

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  • SharleenI love how you experiment and then share what you do. I would not have thought of fairy lights in front of my camera. On the camera note – Congratulations on your new camera. That is so exciting. I love what you have done here. ReplyCancel

  • LizWOW! I love how you used the lights in the foreground and different camera techniques to create such intriguing images. Congrats on your camera upgrade – wooo hooo! <3 ReplyCancel

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