Tag Archives: June

Share Six – Dreams – June 2017

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.  ~Eleanor Roosevelt

I often think about my children and the unknown paths they will take in life. Not knowing what the future holds can sometimes be scary but more so exciting. I try to encourage them to embrace their imaginations, play, be creative, and follow their interests.

Whenever children say “let’s pretend”, a new landscape for learning is revealed.  When children pretend, they try on new feelings, roles and ideas.  They stretch their minds along with their imaginations. ~Curtis & Carter

This quote is close to my heart as it truly hits home within our family,

I Am A Child

I am not built to sit still, keep my hand to myself, take turns, stand in line, be patient, or keep quiet. I need motion, I need novelty, I need adventure, and I need to engage the world with my whole body. LET ME PLAY. Trust me, I am learning.

I am always that parent. The one who is trying to reign in my child, constantly asking him to keep his hands to himself, be in control of his body, understand boundaries, and use his words. I know he will get there. I don’t want to be that parent that constantly redirects. I see his success. I see his sweet nature. I see he is smart. I see and feel his love. When he is fully engaged and active, he is at his best and I see his full potential.  It is at those times I truly see his full self and his dreams come alive.

So, here is a taste of my boy’s journey while playing, learning and ultimately the path towards his dreams…

I have joined a group of photographers, Share Six, who will be blogging 6 images each month. Each month is a different theme.  Please click HERE to see Claire Porter of Wilhelmina Photography’s interpretation of this months theme.

Join us for this month’s theme by posting your Street Photography images on our Facebook page at Share Six and to our Instagram gallery,  by tagging #sharesix and #sharesix_dreams.  A new theme will come out on June 6th.

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  • SharleenI love that first image Kathy.  It is just stunning.  I so agree with  you that by saying “let’s pretend” they are learning new things.  I grew up with Enid Blyton books and she had the most amazing stories, my favorite being The Magic Faraway Tree.  I wanted to be at the top of the tree going to all these different lands each day.  Her books helped me to pretend that I was in the tinpot land, or the smacking land (not that I wanted to be there), or the rolly polly land.  By using your imagination you are expanding your boundaries.  I love how you are encouraging him.  ReplyCancel

  • Roots and Twigs PhotographyThese are all beautiful and I love how you interpreted the theme, Kathy!ReplyCancel

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