Tag Archives: kansas city ice

Ice Day – 2018

I can’t remember the last time I felt inspired to pick up my camera and shoot for myself. I’ve been in a creative rut for over a year. I woke up today to the news we were off of school due to inclement weather….an ice day!! Ice can be a scary weather to many as it can cause power outages and can be dangerous to drive in. Today’s storm didn’t turn out bad enough to loose power and we didn’t have to drive in it…so what did we do?!  PLAY! After being out in the cold, I cozied up under a heated blanket and edited the entire ice day album. I find it amazing what the power of creating can do to the soul. I feel re-juvenated and inspired. I so enjoyed today! Here are some of my favorites from the Ice Day of 2018!

And I’ve saved the best for last!!  My daughter, Halley, called me over to look at something. I went over and started taking pictures of her playing with the icicles. She then informed me that I wasn’t supposed to be taking pictures of her but… “Look at the monkey bars Mom! You have to climb up. I’ll hold your bottom so you don’t fall.” Haha, love her to pieces.  She is so creative and is already developing a very good little photographers eye for light and composition. Halley, you found the jackpot of all spots!

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  • BillBeautiful!  These would make a fantastic framed wall grouping!  ReplyCancel

  • ChannonSo jealous of all your ice, we never get ice at all here in Perth. Beautiful shots – every single one.ReplyCancel

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