Tag Archives: #May

Share Six – Street Photography – May 2017

This Month, for our Share Six theme, Street Photography, I had  a plan. The plan was to take my kids to downtown Kansas City and capture them in the streets. Capturing my kids is the whole reason I became interested in Photography. I wanted to document their growth, expressions, and our everyday. But, this has been a crazy month and things just kept popping up…smashed finger accompanied by an ER visit, asthma flair up, infections, colds, etc…

And here we are, the 5th, blog due.  I’m a procrastinator so thats a norm, but street photography, thats not. I can’t just pull from the past.

From the time I was in elementary school, I have always considered myself an artist.  Being a creative was something that has always come naturally. I even went to college for art.  My first media that I truly loved was ceramics. There is something about Clay that drew me in…you can shape, mold, transform, reclaim, and build anything with it.  It has give yet is so strong after you fire it in a kiln.  Its natural and from the elements of the earth. All of this played a part in my love for and voice as an artist using clay as a medium. This drove me towards a career as an artist and I obtained a BFA in ceramics.

During my college years I studied abroad for a year in England.  I studied in Staffordshire England (The Pottery District).  It was one of the best years of my life!! I traveled all around Europe and went to so many gorgeous countries all of which have so much history. And so much Art History! During my time abroad I carried a little point and shoot around with me to capture a few moments or Street Scenes to remember my travels. Back then I had no idea in 15 years time I wouldn’t really consider myself a ceramist but a photographer.

Life is funny like that. My voice as an artist is much more strong, true, and meaningful as a photographer. So, when I got into a crunch and starting thinking about what photographs I might be able to use, I thought of my travels abroad and that little point and shoot camera. I was pleasantly surprised when looking at the prints that I did indeed, even though I didn’t recognize it back then, have a photographer’s eye. Now, because when I went to school, the option was film, the images I am sharing this month are actually a photograph of a photograph.  I had so much fun looking through them and reminiscing!


I have joined a group of photographers, Share Six, who will be blogging 6 images each month. Each month is a different theme.  Please click HERE to see Sharleen of Sharleen Stuart Photography’s interpretation of this months theme.

Join us for this month’s theme by posting your Street Photography images on our Facebook page at Share Six and to our Instagram gallery,  by tagging #sharesix and #sharesix_streetphotography.  A new theme will come out on June 6th.


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  • SharleenKathy your images take me back to when we traveled through Europe and yes it was film camera’s back then as well.  We got to see so many places as well.  I love what you have shared here and I love the framing in the last image.  ReplyCancel

  • Roots and Twigs PhotographyThese are great, Kathy! I have so many film shots from international travels and may be doing a similar post, myself. They really are fun to look back on, aren’t they?ReplyCancel

  • Claire PorterThese are just wonderful images. You have captured the scenes tulsi well. I love the first one especially. ReplyCancel

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