Tag Archives: newborn Session

Cigich Family – Newborn 2018

Wyatt’s Newborn session was a blast! Wyatt rocked his session! He was snoozing and ready to go right when I got there! So I concentrated on getting some posed shots first and they turned out adorable! Last time I took pictures for the Cigich family, Henry (Wyatt’s big brother) was a bit camera shy. Not this time! He was so excited to show me his little brother, give kisses, hugs, and show me some big grins! I think Wyatt may have the sweetest best big brother in the whole wide world!  It was so cute to watch the two boys together! I loved seeing the Cigich family as a family of four! The love they have for one another is immense!  This session is one of my favorite newborn sessions to date! Here are some of my favorites from their session!


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  • JudyEach and every one of these is a beautiful treasure!!ReplyCancel

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