Tag Archives: Photography

Share Six – Artificial Light – July 2017

Seeing how it is 2 days after the 4th of July, I thought a great share for this Month’s theme is a couple images from the firework display we watched.  This year was fun as we got to spend the 4th in my hometown and the kids with Grammy and Grampy!

Life is like a firework. You gotta ignite the fuse and make it beautiful.

While we were at Grammy and Grampy’s house the kids made a fort and played in the dark with a little camping light. I love watching them play!

Play turns out to be so stunningly essential to childhood, it’s like love, sunshine, & broccoli all juiced together. ~Lenore Skenazy

I have joined a group of photographers, Share Six, who will be blogging 6 images each month. Each month is a different theme.  Please click HERE to see Elizabeth Willson of It’s Still Life Photography’s interpretation of this months theme.

Join us for this month’s theme by posting your Artificial Light images on our Facebook page at Share Six and to our Instagram gallery,  by tagging #sharesix and #sharesix_artificiallight.  A new theme will come out on August 6th.

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  • SharleenYour fireworks are amazing – I tried for the first time this year and I am not overly impressed with them.  I tried all different settings  I love what you got.  I also love how you used lamplight to capture your children’s faces and their activities.  Wonderful images.  ReplyCancel

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