Tag Archives: Reflections

Share Six – Reflections – September 2017

Rainbows introduce us to REFLECTIONS of different beautiful possibilities… ~Aberjhani

In the past few months I feel like I have hit a creative block. I haven’t felt the pull to pick up my camera.  I think about it constantly – why am I feeling like this? when will I be ready? where do I start? when will be the first day of feeling it in my heart again?  If I am completely honest with myself, I guess I know why. I haven’t been able to balance being a mother, wife, teacher, creative, and photographer.  Something had to give. And I chose to give a little more to my family than to to create. I needed that and so did my family.

I have been feeling the drive to create getting stronger.  I like having a voice and sharing my perspective on life.  I love documenting my kids.  Not in perfection but in who they are everyday. I look back through my photo files for the past several months and there are so many moments I didn’t capture.  It makes me sad.  But that sadness is what motivates me to get back to capturing those important moments. Those fleeting moments that will be gone before I can even blink.

So, I think it is time to pick up that camera again and make the balance between life, love, family, and creating work.

Often times the brightest rainbows follow the darkest rainstorms. ~Unknown

I have joined a group of photographers, Share Six, who will be blogging 6 images each month. Each month is a different theme.  Please click HERE to see Aubrey Dettmer of Applewood Photography’s interpretation of this months theme.

Join us for this month’s theme by posting your Reflections images on our Facebook page at Share Six and to our Instagram gallery,  by tagging #sharesix and #sharesix_reflections.  A new theme will come out on October 6th.

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  • SharleenKathy I love these.  My favorite is the first image.  I am sorry that you have been going through a slump.  It is hard. But I am also glad to see that your creativity is asserting itself again and that you can capture those special moments with your childrenSharlReplyCancel

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