Tag Archives: Share Six

Share Six – Silhouette – November 2018

This month I’d like to introduce our new pup (kinda like a having a 3rd), Pepper. She is a Blue Heeler Cattle Dog with an unending amount of energy. She is incredibly sweet and loyal through and through. My kids adore her and they play non stop! So of course I had to include her in the fun this month! One of my absolute favorite things to capture is my kids playing and having fun. But capturing them while the sun is setting is a whole different story – it is a muse. Something that rises me up when I am feeling down.  Something that magically cures any squabbles they have had earlier in the day. It is something that allows us to come together, play, have fun, and soak in all that gorgeous light.
“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than him loves himself.”~ Josh Billings

Thank you for joining us for another month at Share Six. I am part of a group of photographers who blog 6 images on the 6th of each month with unique monthly themes. Please continue around the circle by clicking HERE to see how the extremely talented Lynn Grant interpreted this month’s theme.

Join us for this month’s theme by posting your Silhouette images on our Facebook page at Share Six and to our Instagram gallery,  by tagging #sharesix and #sharesix_silhouette.  A new theme will come out on October 6th.

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  • JanetOh my – these are simply stunning!!! Amazing work!!ReplyCancel

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