Tag Archives: ShareSix

Share Six – Bokeh – December 2018

This past weekend we pulled out all our Christmas decorations to set up for the holidays. Every year it is a walk down memory lane when we decorate our Christmas tree as a lot of the ornaments are from when I was a child. My Mom saved almost everything from when I was little (toys, art projects, really anything and everything sentimental). both my kids have some of my toys from when I was little and have learned to love them just as much as I did.  I love it that they get a little taste of my childhood. Each year my kids get their own ornaments for the tree to add to our collection. I love that our tree is a little bit of the past and a little bit of the now. This month for the Share Six Bokeh theme, I captured my kids decorating our tree this year and some of the ornaments from when I was young.


Thank you for joining us for another month at Share Six. I am part of a group of photographers who blog 6 images on the 6th of each month with unique monthly themes. Please continue around the circle by clicking HERE to see how the extremely talented Ceri Herd interpreted this month’s theme.

Join us for this month’s theme by posting your Bokeh images on our Facebook page at Share Six and to our Instagram gallery,  by tagging #sharesix and #sharesix_bokeh.  A new theme will come out on January 6th.

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  • LizI so enjoyed this walk down memory lane with you! The colored light bokeh and the details combine to create such a magical scene. So beautifully done! <3 ReplyCancel

  • JudyTradition is heartwarming.  Tradition is one reason family photos are treasured.  ReplyCancel

  • JanetSo wonderful and beautiful- definitely something to treasure!ReplyCancel