Tag Archives: ShareSix

November – Texture – Share Six

“I am convinced that abstract form, imagery, color, texture, and material convey meaning equal to or greater than words.” ~Katherine McCoy

Texture. I absolutely LOVE texture.

“Texture is most evident where dark meets light on the turning edge and at the outer edge. Experience has taught us to assume that the areas in between have similar features.” ~Rex Brandt

This month I’ve decided to share some flower images I took about a year ago that I took with my Macro lens.  I never got a chance to edit or share any.  Life just got away from me and I never went back and did it.  I was super excited about this Month’s theme, Texture, because these photographs came into mind right away and gave me the motivation and reason to look back and take the time to edit them.  I take so many photographs, sometimes I think too many, and many go untouched.  After looking back and editing these, I wonder how many other gems are hidden away on my hard drive?!

I feel the delightful, velvety texture of a flower, and discover its remarkable convolutions; and something of the miracle of Nature is revealed to me.”  ~Helen Keller

Join us for this month’s theme by posting your Texture images on our Facebook page at Share Six and to our Instagram gallery,  by tagging #sharesix and #sharesix_texture.  A new theme will come out on December 6. I have joined a group of photographers, Share Six, who will be blogging 6 images each month. Each month is a different theme.  Please click HERE to see Katherine Cobert of Cobert Photography’s interpretation of this months theme.

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  • KimStunning macro images! Wonderful textured detail in every image! I love the B&W processing as well!ReplyCancel

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