Tag Archives: ShareSix

Share Six – Imperfection – April 2020

This month our Share Six theme, Imperfection, seemed an easy feat to capture. There is imperfection everywhere I look lately. In the last month everything has changed; I mean everything! Our usual routine is nonexistent.

Instead of rushing off to school each morning we wake up at a leisurely pace. Instead of teaching high schoolers each day I am trying my best to teach my two elementary kiddos as much as I possibly can. Their teachers have sent so much content and activities for them to do and I’m grateful for them more than they know! Teaching is harder than you think, as many parents are finding out lately. I am a teacher and it is still hard to teach a subject matter that I am not used to. And let’s be real, it is hard to teach your own kids when they are not used to being taught by you. So, another thanks to all the teachers out there putting their “red hot effort”, as my sons teacher says, into getting lessons out to our kiddos!

We aren’t just learning though, we are having so much more quality time together. I mean real quality, no rush onto the next thing, time together. We play, we garden, we talk, we create, we hike, and all the things we have a hard time fitting into our busy lives. Even though I would have never wished this upon us, and the reason we are staying home is unbelievably devastating and scary, we are making the most of it and enjoying our time together. We are home, we are safe, and we are enjoying this gift of time we have been given.

The pictures this month are of my kids playing on the trampoline with a bunch of water beads our neighbors dropped off for us to play with. After soaking the beads in water for 3 days the kids dumped them all on the trampoline and came in yelling….”Mom, Mom, you have to come take pictures! This is so cool!” Indeed, it was! Here is a glimpse into one of our perfectly imperfect days during our covid19 quarantine.

Thank you for joining us for another month at Share Six. I am part of a group of photographers who blog 6 images on the 6th of each month with unique monthly themes. Please continue around the circle by clicking HERE to see how the extremely talented Michèle Tremblay interpreted this month’s theme.

Join us for this month’s theme by posting your Imperfection images on our Facebook page at Share Six and to our Instagram gallery,  by tagging #sharesix and #sharesix_imperfection.  A new theme will come out on May 6th.

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  • Michèle TremblayOMG this is so, so, so very special! Looked every single one! Purely magic! You got some gems there!ReplyCancel

  • SharleenKathy these are fantastic – I love every image and how you have captured the movement of the bead.  They look like so much fun.  ReplyCancel

  • LizThese are so much fun – such energy and life and gorgeous bokeh! <3 ReplyCancel

  • JanetWOW these are fantastic, what a great way to spend time too! ReplyCancel

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