Tag Archives: Spring Freelensed

March – free52project

Here is our very busy freelensing March!

Our kitty’s first couple times outside was an adventure!  Can you find her?!  3-14-1_25321785883_o

Painting Kitty.  My little girl could do art all day long!3-4free-4 3-4free-5

We worked and played in our garden a lot this month and tried our best to keep an eye on our kitty to make sure she stayed close to home.3-19free-2_25950161426_o 3-19free-3_25881111981_o 3-19free-4_25950161526_o3-19free-8_25976058595_o
3-19free-11_25675512500_o3-19free-10_25347338573_o3-19free-14_25675512640_o3-19free-13_25343367854_o3-19free-16_25881112751_o3-19free-17_25855267592_oSpring has sprung!3-14-4_25649932120_o3-14-2_25321785973_o 3-19free-7_25881112231_o img_3644-2a_25915758142_oimg_3877-2_25495073924_o img_3719-2_25425578763_oimg_4190-2_26099914635_o img_3795-2a_25941842321_oimg_3819-2_26007310952_o3-14free-7_26106349585_o

And another day of play!3-14free-8_26013827052_o3-14free-10_26013827092_o3-14free-9_26080418526_o3-14free-11_26080418666_o3-14free-13_26106349835_o3-14free-12_25503738713_o

My kids have fallen in love with roller skating.  My daughter is having her 6th Birthday party at the skating rink this weekend.  She has been practicing and practicing so that she no longer needs the skate mate.  So, of course I had to capture it with a little bit of freelensing!3-15free-6_26080534476_o3-15free-5_25501717424_o3-15free-3_25833626360_o3-15free-2_26106466195_o3-15free-4_26040117951_o3-15free-1_26080534276_oa

I am part of another group that captures a different theme each month called ‘101 Ways to Shoot’.  This months theme is Musical Instruments. Of course, I couldn’t help myself but to freelens!  This is a collaboration with my very talented husband. He hand crafted this entire banjo using a variety of paper and cardboard!!! His work is absolutely incredibly detailed. 3-4free-1 3-4free-2 3-4free-3

This last image was captured on Easter Morning right after it stopped snowing all over our Spring garden!3-26free-1I have joined a group of some very talented freelensing photographers who will be blogging images each month. Please take look at the next photographer in the blog circle: Please click HERE to see Christine Wright’s (Greenscapes Photography) free52 post!

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