Tag Archives: Summer

Share Six – Collections – August 2017

Collections are fascinating. What and why do people choose to collect the things they do? Why do some people collect lots of things and others none? I grew up watching my family collect. My grandpa had a phenomenal stamp collection. My grandma liked to collect figurines and glass. My mom has gone through several phases, at first it was bunny figurines and now she loves antique glass and plates. My dad collects anything and everything to do with motorcycles (toys, books, a garage full of real ones). He still even has his very first motorcycle he bought when he was 15! So, of course collecting for me just came naturally. I used to collect small turtle figurines and still have them placed throughout my house. I don’t actively collect anything anymore but do admit I probably have too many purses and shoes.

What is truly interesting is that I see the love of collecting in my daughter. My son, not at all.  My daughter has always loved collections since the time the was 2.  She would gather similar items and pile them up, line them up, carry them around in bags, set them up strategically on furniture to display.  Her collections have changed over the years depending on her interest – my little pony’s, chapsticks, shopkins, fairies, rocks, trolls, etc. One thing is always the same though, the items are always small. Here is a small sampling of images showing my daughter and one of her prized collections!

I have joined a group of photographers, Share Six, who will be blogging 6 images each month. Each month is a different theme.  Please click HERE to see Elizabeth Willson of It’s Still Life Photography’s interpretation of this months theme.

Join us for this month’s theme by posting your Collections images on our Facebook page at Share Six and to our Instagram gallery,  by tagging #sharesix and #sharesix_collections.  A new theme will come out on September 6th.

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  • SharleenI love these.  Back in my day it was smurfs.  I collected clowns.  Today my collection runs around optics, and genealogy.  I love all the different characters that she has.  ReplyCancel

  • AubreyI love her cute expressions! What a sweet collection of images, Kathy!ReplyCancel

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