Tag Archives: The Free 52 Project

September – The Free 52 Project

I’ll admit, I didn’t shoot weekly this month.  I am missing it.  Freelensing makes me feel brighter and more centered.  Both of which I could use a little more lately in crazies of life.  Even though I don’t have all 4 weeks of images to share with you here is a series from my very first trip to a Sunflower field.  What?!?!  How is that even possible?  I live in the Sunflower State of Kansas.  Well, I can say it will not be my last!!  I was lucky enough to go on this beautiful journey with my daughter!

I don’t think there’s anything

on this planet that

more trumpets life

than the Sunflower.

During the course of the day,

the head tracks the

journey of the sun

across the sky.

Wherever light is,

no matter how weak,

these flowers will find it.

That’s such an admirable thing.

And such a lesson in life.

~Calendar Girls movie

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As my daughter and I explored this beautiful field, she took pride in leading us through our journey.


“I want to be like a Sunflower so even on the darkest days I will stand tall and find the light.” ~M.K.

I have joined a group of some very talented freelensing photographers who will be blogging images each month. Please take look at the next photographer in the blog circle: Please click HERE to see Katie Woodard of Katie Woodard Photography’s  Free 52 post.

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  • kristinLove the vibrancy of these. What a beautiful adventure!ReplyCancel

  • Katie W.Oh Kathy these are stunning! And what. Fun adventure for you two.ReplyCancel

  • AprilThese are so perfect!  I’ve always wanted to visit a sunflower field. Thanks for sharing, looks like you had a blast!ReplyCancel

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