Tag Archives: The Free 52 Project

August – The Free 52 Project – Kansas City Photography

Here is our freelensed August!

A little beauty form the garden this month!

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A little dirt from a mulch mountain.  They had SO much fun!

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Cooling off on a warm summer day!

Contemplating on getting in….

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She’s such a good sport!

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My girl has discovered Pandora and loves listening to music!  She has figured out how to hook it up to our bluetooth speaker and sets it up wherever she is playing so she can listen to tunes.

8-20free-4 copy8-20free-5 copy 8-20free-6 copyWe have been working hard with our youngest at using our words and gentle hands.  He obviously did not like what I was asking him to do.  It is kind of hard not to smile at his cuteness!

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Last but definitely not least, something very exciting happened this month!  She is so close to losing one of her front teeth!

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Thinking about the Tooth Fairy coming to her house!

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Telling me all about it!


Working it to make it happen sooner than later!

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I have joined a group of some very talented freelensing photographers who will be blogging images each month. Please take look at the next photographer in the blog circle: Please click HERE to see Christine Wright of Greenscapes Photography’s  Free 52 post.

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  • Katie WoodardLove you yellow flowers to Kathy! And the kids are adorable!ReplyCancel

  • Renee BarthI just love water and freelensing, beautiful images. Your kiddos are the cutest!ReplyCancel

  • ChristineGreat images, Kathy! The flower ones are gorgeous!ReplyCancel

  • Kristin AndersonLove the variation of light, Kathy. Beautiful!ReplyCancel

  • Terra FondriestYou always capture great moments with your kids!! Love the light, and water…and dirty legs! Awesome!ReplyCancel

  • AprilThe photos of your kids – in the water, playing with the speaker, the loose tooth – they all make me smile so big!  Wonderful images <3ReplyCancel